
Configuration Options

This Strategy has a sensible default configuration, which is the one i myself use!

You can start without configuring anything. If you want to change something take a look at the Configuration Documentation.

Click for Configuration Options
platformsPlatforms (= integrations) for which the strategy should generate rows

You need the internal HA id of the integration. Here is described how to obtain it

Arrayyes Zigbee, Switchbot, Other (always present everything that is not defined in platforms!)
  - platform: hacs
    title: HACS
  - platform: MQTT
    title: Everything MQTT
minColumnWidthMinimal Column Width in the Grid = The Minimal Width of the Cards. numberyes set for area-dashboard-strategy
set for all other strategies
minColumnWidth: 300
replaceCardsYou can set a card to be used for a specific entity. Overwrites default card config Objectno-
    type: entity
      - $entity

So valid YAML for this could look like this:

  type: custom:battery-view-strategy
    - platform: hacs
      title: HACS
    - platform: MQTT
      title: Everything MQTT
    minColumnWidth: 300
        type: entity
        - "$entity"
icon: mdi:test
path: test
title: Test

I used all available options in this example. You don`t need to do this! Take a look at the required fields for what you need!

Default Config explained

The default config is written as yaml. This should make it easy to make your own changes because it is written exactly as you would in your dashboard.

You can find it here.

Additionally for this View Strategy the platforms options is hard-coded so it is not defined in yaml but can be overwritten!

There are Rows for:

  • Zigbee
  • Switchbot
  • Other (always present everything that is not defined in platforms!)